December 22, 2018

The Little People

The Little People

The Little People
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Micah 5:2, Judges 6:14, 1 Samuel 9:21, Deuteronomy 7:7

In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the characters of Middle Earth are small in stature, but their struggles and conflicts encompass a large scale.  So too was Bethlehem, a very small village but surrounded by large conflicts.  God delivered a brief, hopeful prophesy to little people living in a little town named Bethlehem.

You Are Never Too Small That God Cannot Use You. Some think “I grew up in a small town”, “I have always done things only on a small scale”, or “God wants to use me?”  Regardless how small your beginnings, God has big plans for you.  God love to do big things in small places and using small people to do great things.  God uses people of all head sizes except those who are ‘bigheaded.’  You may be ‘too big’ that God cannot use you, but never too small than God cannot use you.

God Looks Upon The Heart But Measures One’s Shoulders. The One born in Bethlehem has broad shoulders; Isaiah foretold that “the government shall be upon His shoulders.”  God is able to place the government of the universe upon the shoulders of His Son, and He shall rule gloriously.  The question is how broad are your shoulders, because every man must bear his own responsibilities.  Adam was made to rule, and as Christ followers we are to rule and reign with Christ.

Little Town Of Bethlehem Is The Birthplace Of The Redeemer. Bethlehem was the place where Rachel died delivering her son Benjamin, where King Herod slaughtered the baby boys, and where Boaz rescued Ruth and Naomi from poverty as kinsman redeemer.  Bethlehem has endured hard times, but is the birthplace of the redeemer of our souls.