December 5, 2018

The Art of Conscensus

The Art of Conscensus

The Art of Consensus
Image result for wise men icon

Sunday, December 2, 2018
Woodstream Church
Matthew 2:1-2

The Advent Season is a time of brilliant works of artistry, decorative ornaments, nativity scenes, pageantry, poetry and singing.  Like no other time of the year our sensibilities of beauty are elevated.  The Magi or Wise Men were united by a shared experience and purpose, which urgently beckoned them to follow the star so they could worship the Christ child.
You Are Either Guided By The Light Or Misguided By Darkness. The evidence that darkness is taking over our culture, homes, marriages and children is division.  Darkness misguides and disorients us, leading us to depreciate one another.  In darkness there is no beauty or consensus.  The Magi had a consensus of whom they sought and what their purpose was in seeking Him.
Consensus Is Critical To Worship
. How can two walk together unless they agree?  Worship is a call to agreement, for we are one in the Spirit and one Body in the Lord.  There is one Lord, one Faith, one Father, and one God and Father over all.
Fearfulness Towards Christ Is The Evidence Of Resisting Christ
. Many people resist and reject Christ because they fear the possible changes He will make in their lives.  Rather than agreeing with Christ, there is disharmony and disagreement.  They accept the trappings of Christmas, yet reject Christ.  “We have come to worship Him” expresses the beauty of consensus, generosity, humility and encouragement to pay homage, veneration and adoration to the King.