December 30, 2018

Image Bearers

Image Bearers

Image Bearers
Colossians 1:15-17, Genesis 5:3

It is interesting to witness a child pick up a crayon and begin the skill of drawing.  From initially scribbling curves and lines, they progress with more sophistication to draw images.  Some favorite subjects are Mommy and Daddy, babies, birds, dogs, flowers and themselves.  Image making is a significant developmental milestone in the life of a child, indicating how they see the world, themselves and how all these things work and relate to each other.  God not only uses images, but we are images of Him.  At our very core, we are image bearers.

1. The Image Bearer Exists For The Glory Of The Image Giver.

The dangers of not knowing you are an image bearer are pride, ignorance of purpose, no sense of duty and intemperance.  Without the knowledge of God, children are likely to grow up self-centered and full of pride, with no sense of duty or obligation to God, and no compelling reason to self-regulate and control themselves.

2. We Are Image Makers.

We live in a culture of death and sterilization, where children are a financial burden rather than a blessing, and in which we choose more things over more children.  Satan does not want husbands and wives to faithfully carry out their ministry of image making because he hates souls.  The more children you have, the greater is Satan’s hatred for your family.  We are image bearers, called to be image makers.

3. Those Who Commit Homicide Attack The Image Of God.

Murder is an assault, an attack on the image of God.  As the homicide rate continues to rise, it is the evidence of the increasing hatred of God and influence of Satan on society.