May 30, 2016

Climbing For God

Climbing For God

Climbing for God
Matthew 5:1-16


In recent weeks we have all heard of the rash of mountain climbing deaths. Brave souls motivated by adventure, beauty and the desire to test ones’ skills died to accomplish a difficult goal. The allure of and challenges presented by mountains is not surprising. The Lord challenged His people on mountaintops: Moses challenged the people from Mount Sinai and Jesus from the Mount of Olives. There are the spiritual and emotional mountains in life we all face, including the Mountain of Despair that appears during difficulties and failures. Mountain climbing is hard work, as is ministry. Many in the Christian community are content to remain on a familiar ministry plateau or even quit what they are called to do, no longer zealous of good works serving with others. Jesus came to get us off the wrong mountains of resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness and past failures, promising a new day with opportunities to accomplish God’s Work.

  1. We Need New Insight. Christ followers are needed and distinguishable, just as salt is to food and light is to darkness. As a lamp elevated on a stand spreads the light, we who are saved by faith are to be faithful to always do good works, promoting God’s Kingdom in the fallen world.
  2. We Need New Heights. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can think or ask. The higher we climb, the more we can see. God challenges us more as we become more experienced.
  3. We Need New Foresight. The blessings of Christ are far greater than the blessings of Moses. Moses gave many laws dictating all aspects of life through a conditional covenant offering blessings and punishments. Christ gave only a few laws since He was the fulfillment of the Law, and we are saved to serve through the greater gift of His Love and God’s Grace. We therefore have the greater ability to serve God’s Work.