June 6, 2016

Climbing For God pt.2

Climbing For God pt.2

Climbing for God, Part II

Mark 9:2-10


Mark informs us that Jesus, Peter, James and John went up an unnamed mountain, probably in the region of Caesarea Philippi to observe His Transfiguration. The mountains in that region are arduous, rugged, high and demanding, not for the faint of heart. Some see the mountains as imposing obstacles, but others see them as inviting opportunities. When people experience mountains in their lives, they often wonder if the challenge is necessary and if there is a short cut. But just as Christ led his disciples to the Mount of Transfiguration, strengthening them and transforming them from fishermen to “mountain men”, He wants to change us into mountain men and women to stand up as His ambassadors in this sinful world.

  1. As Mountain Men/Women For God We Must Be Fearless. Just as mountain climbing requires fortitude and stamina, so too is Christian service and ministry. Ministry can be lonely at times, and the Lord has to toughen us up. “Mountain climbing” for God’s ministry is a feat; refusing to climb is defeat. We must trust that He who is all-powerful will make a way and be fearless.
  2. Climbing For God Transforms Us Into Witnesses. People climb mountains not merely to reach the top, but also to gain a perspective they would not have had. The mountain speaks of authority, and God on many occasions descended to the mountaintops to make authoritative announcements. God’s authority trumps Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, political correctness, socialism and all other constructs of men. We are His witnesses with a message from on High, with the authority from on High.
  3. Mountain Climbers Can Perform Great Deeds. Jesus told His disciples that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains. Mountain climbers believe all things are possible through Christ.