October 2, 2016

Christian Warfare

Christian Warfare

Christian Warfare

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Woodstream Church

Ephesians 6:10-18

Warfare is common throughout human history, and the destruction and misery it brings are well known.  But the conflicts within the home, workplace and in society are more immediate and common to all.  What is not widely considered are the spiritual origins of the conflicts, and the ongoing spiritual warfare which is being fought unseen by man’s eyes.  Christians are warned in scripture to be aware of the conflict, to prepare and be vigilant.

You Cannot Fight Satan In Your Own Strength. Satan is smarter, stronger and more experienced than all of us.  He has powers that we cannot imagine.  He changed his form to that of a serpent in the Garden of Eden, and manipulated nature, causing a windstorm and lightning to kill Job’s children, servants and herds.

You Cannot Reason With Your Own Mind.  Only God’s strength and wisdom are greater than Satan’s.  Trying to fight Satan with our own reasoning will result in failure.  Satan is the unseen enemy that will try to entice us with things that bring temporary pleasure but cause ultimate destruction.  Every time we fall for his temptations, we grant Satan control in our lives.  That is why we must put on the whole Armor of God.

You Cannot Pray Ineffective Prayers. Praying about carnal things and selfish desires does nothing to protect your soul or those of loved ones.  We are to pray for others and ourselves about things for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, which are the only things that work for spiritual growth, guidance and protection.