March 1, 2020

A Plaguing Question

A Plaguing Question

A Plaguing Question

Luke 21:5-13, 25-28


The Coronavirus dominates headlines all across the world with 86,000 reported cases, restricted travel and travel bans, school and business closings, and falling stock values.  Government officials hope for the best but plan for the worst.  The plaguing question many grapple with is uncertainty.  Just as today, Jesus’ disciples were concerned after His pronouncement of the destruction of their beloved Temple.  Their plaguing question was “When shall these things be?”  Christ responded with an apocalyptic, compressed-time pronouncement of future catastrophes, turmoil, persecutions and wars that would occur before the unknown end-time of His return.  In practical terms, He showed that while we and His disciples could not know or control future events, we all have control over our personal present.  We are to do His work while we are able.


1. The Church Must Constantly Renew And Reaffirm Its Covenant Fidelity To Christ.

Those who follow Christ must continually give witness to the unbelievers, defend the faith against those who would deceive or mislead others, and build up those who are less mature.  Otherwise we will not pass the Truth on to following generations.


2. Make Disciples.

As the physical representatives of Christ, the Body of Christ is to witness to an unsaved world.  Our commission is to show how much God loves the world, providing the only saving path for all sinners.  To those who accept Christ as redeemer and Lord, we are to help, teach and correct them in humility and love to become more like Him, submitting ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit within.