September 20, 2015

Something Beautiful

Something Beautiful

Do you have an eye for beauty? Beauty can positively impact our mood, mental health and can even stir our souls towards God. This beautiful epistle from Paul is full of grace, promises, blessings and sonship. Yet over the past 40 to 50 years has been misused to promote every social, political and sexual cause there is, becoming a landmine of controversy. The Apostle Paul was concerned with the apostasy of the Galatians, who were turning from the truth of the Gospel to a false gospel promoted by the Judaizers. He explained his concern by teaching the beauty of baptism, promise keeping and adoption.

The Beauty of Baptism. Paul explained that in addition to water baptism publicly announcing the spiritual decision to follow Christ, there is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which at the moment of decision, confirms the induction of the new believer into the Body of Christ. This spiritual baptism removes all human distinctions, showing we are all equal before God as His children.

The Beauty of Promise Keeping. Abraham believed God and God imputed righteousness to him because of his faith. God ratified His covenant with Abraham while Abraham slept, and he received the promises of that covenant by faith, not through works. Paul showed that God kept His promises even in the face of Israel’s continued disobedience. He is still faithful and supports us through our trials.

The Beauty of Adoption. In ancient culture, the practice of adoption not only granted family status, but also immediate legal adult status and inheritance. God, through Christ, has adopted Christians into His Family, no longer slaves to sin and the resultant judgment and eternal separation from God.