Hannah’s Emotional Pain

Hannah’s Emotional Pain

In 1 Samuel, the scriptures show the pains and insecurities of Hannah that mothers are subject to today. The higher sensitivity of empathy, helpfulness, generosity and consolation God with which graced womanhood also makes women more susceptible to emotional pain.

Duty Calls

Duty Calls

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus often verbalized His mission: “The Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is lost.” It is obvious Jesus was clear about His mission but the question is: “Are you clear about yours?”

Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Our culture in the past embraced the Gospel Truth. Today’s society holds the impotent humanist view of moral relativism where any culture is one of many equally valid moral expressions in a world without absolute truth.

Rabbi Jesus

Rabbi Jesus

In His Triumphal Entry, Jesus rode into Jerusalem in humility on a colt, fulfilling prophesy as the Messiah. His first action was to again to cleanse the Temple of the unscrupulous moneychangers and dove sellers.