July 20, 2017




Woodstream Church

Sunday, July 9, 2017
Genesis 14:5-12

Most people enjoy drama in entertainment, whether in live theater, movies or television.  But some enjoy drama in life, overly exaggerating things, stirring things up and being the first to broadcast bad news and spread gossip.  Drama is something we all experience in finances, health, marriage, and careers.  But drama can be the result of our own decisions or the decisions and actions of others.  A case in point is Lot, whose poor decisions created drama for himself and his uncle Abram.  Lot was immature, impulsive and impressionable.

Immaturity Breeds Drama.

The area in Canaan where they settled could not support the large herds and flocks of Lot and Abram, causing quarreling between their herdsmen.  Lot should have deferred to his elder uncle out of respect but chose his own interests.  Abram valued relationships more than argument, and let Lot decide which area in which to settle. Lot chose the Jordan Valley because it appeared lush with vegetation.

Impulsiveness Breeds Drama.

There is no record of Lot praying, sacrificing or seeking God’s guidance.  He forever sought greener pastures and the immediate gratification of his desires.

He Was Impressionable.

Lot chose the Jordan Valley and moved to the prosperous but wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.  He was captured by the four kings that raided the two cities, taking all the cities’ riches and enslaving its occupants.  Abram led a force of 318 men and defeated the armies of the four kingdoms through God’s help, freeing the hostages and recovering their goods.

Lot’s life was a study in drama and chaos driven by his selfish decisions, apart from God.